Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples Naturally

First off the bat; lets define acne. Acne is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions. It is caused by the skin's oil glands making to much oily substance, which lead to plugged pores. Rapid production of bacteria can also be a culprit. Acne lesions occur mostly on the face, neck, chest and back. Acne is the most common skin disease, it is not a health treat, but severe acne can cause disfiguring and permanent scarring.

Many things can cause an acne breakout such as: Hormones, medicines, make-up, friction on the skin. (such as a bike helmet or backpacks. and family history. If other people in your family have acne, then you have a great chance of having it too.

There are also myth associated with acne such as: poor hygiene, stress, eating chocolate and greasy food. Experts have not found any links to these things causing acne.

All is not lost when it comes to acne. You can prevent acne flare-ups by taking good care of your skin:

Clean your skin gently with mild soap or cleanser twice a day-- some expert say once in the morning and once at night. You should avoid strong soaps and rough scrub pads. Scrubbing the skin to hard may make acne worse.

Wash your hair on a regular basis. If you have oily hair wash it more often.
Don't squeeze or pick at the acne lesions. This can cause scares.

Choose make-up and hair care products that are "non-comedogenic" or non-acnegenic. You make want to use products that are oil-free.

Avoid things that may rub your skin, such as backpacks and sport equipment. http://www.attackinghealthproblems.info

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